ABSTRACT Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-nCoV-2) the cause of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in Wuhan in December 2019, has spread throughout the world. Each country tries to develop treatment protocol guidelines following the latest research developments to increase the cure rate due to the absence of standard guidelines. The purpose of this res…
Among the many plants that grow in Indonesia, which can be used for alternative medicine, one of them is the soursop (Annona muricata L.). Acetogenin derived from the soursop plants touted able to overcome the 12 cancer cells. In America, a sample from Indonesia tested on of lung cancer cells, breast, colon, and a variety of other cancer cells. Making oral dosage form in tablet soursop leaf …
Permasalahan pada masyarakat di wilayah Johar Baru adanya peningkatan kondisi hipertensi dan penurunan pendapatan, oleh karena itu tim pengabmas memiliki gagasan atau ide memberikan bimbingan teknis pengelolaan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA) dengan metode hidroponik. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan perilaku masyarakat melalui edukasi pemanfaatan…
Sebagian besar kalangan ibu rumah tangga masih minim mengenal beberapa jenis bumbu dapur sebagai obat tradisional yang memiliki kandungan zat aktif bersifat imunostimulan. Penduduk Pademangan Barat salah satu wilayah yang mempunyai kasus terbanyak COVID-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta serta nilai kesehatan relatif rendah dibanding kelurahan lain. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan memberikan pe…
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-nCoV-2) the cause of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in Wuhan in December 2019, has spread throughout the world. Each country tries to develop treatment protocol guidelines following the latest research developments to increase the cure rate due to the absence of standard guidelines. The purpose of this research is t…
Banyak kalangan mitra belum menyadari bahaya makanan yang mengandung zat aditif berbahaya dan dilarang karena dapat merusak kesehatan tubuh seperti formalin, boraks dan rhodamin. Mitra wilayah Duri Selatan belum mengetahui secara sederhana dalam mendeteksi adanya bahan pangan berbahaya tersebut dalam makanan. Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan pelatihan deteksi bahan tambahan makanan…
Tuberculosis/Human Immunodeficiency Virus (TB/HIV) co-infection has poorer treatment outcome compared to non-co-infected patients. To benefit from therapy and to avoid contracting treatment-resistant strains, the individuals must adherent to medications. There is limited information regarding successful TB treatment outcomes and their associated factors. Thus, the study was designed to identify…
Background: Since the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the misuse of health supplements during the pandemic has been very high. Knowledge and actions of supplement self-medication educational media ensure that students provide information on appropriate supplements to the larger community. Aim: To determine the effects of various uses of health supplement self-medication learning m…
Abstrak: Penyimpanan dan pembuangan obat kurang tepat menjadi masalah pengelolaan obat yang berdampak negatif pada kesehatan masyarakat. Hubungan perilaku negatif pada pengelolaan obat dirumah tangga, lebih cenderung berisiko bagi pasien dengan riwayat penyakit degeneratif dan polifarmasi. Kepedulian tenaga farmasi terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian untuk pasien penyakit degeneratif, diwujudkan da…
ABSTRACT---- Background: Poor drug storage at home may lead to physicochemical degradation of drugs and in further cases, irrational drug use. This study aims to investigate the tendency of inappropriate storage, the purpose and type of drugs kept at home, as well as predicted risk factors. Methods: Study involved 295 households as respondents obtained from multistage cluster sampling. Struct…
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using Leucaena leucocephala seed – an herbal drug, instead of Pyrantel Pamoate as an attempt to heal worm-infected children. A total number of 80 worm-infected children were treated either by Pyrantel Pamoate 250 milligrams single dose (20 children) or by Leucaena leucocephala seed (60 children) with different doses – s…
Info. Bahasan Para mahasiswa sekalian, praktikum mikrobiologi bagian dari mata kuliah farmakologi dan parasitologi yang akan ditempuh mahasiswa farmasi. Praktikum mikrobiologi menjadi bahasan yang penting untuk diketahui oleh mahasiswa farmasi karena menjadi penunjang pada teori mikrobiologi. Pada praktikum ini mahasiswa akan diberikan materi tentang tahaptahap persiapan praktikum, pengenalan …