Abstract Infant incubator is an electromedical device used to treatment for a newborn which has the possibility to become a place of spread infection. Therefore, this study aims to design a simple infant incubator sterilizer as an effort to reduce the level of nosocomial infection in the neonatal intensive care unit. The simple design of infant incubator sterilizer has been made using UV germic…
Infant incubator is an electromedical device used to treatment for a newborn which has the possibility to become a place of spread infection. Therefore, this study aims to design a simple infant incubator sterilizer as an effort to reduce the level of nosocomial infection in the neonatal intensive care unit. The simple design of infant incubator sterilizer has been made using UV germicidal …
Degenerative disease affects the central nervous system, bones and joints, blood vessels, and heart and is caused by the degeneration of a tissue or organ system over time. Cholesterol is a naturally occurring chemical that has the physical properties of fat but a steroidal composition. Cholesterol is routinely created in the proper amounts by the body. Normal cholesterol levels in the bo…
Artikel ini menjelaskan hasil eksperimen mengintegrasikan terapi blue light yang terintegrasi pada unit penghangat bayi. Terapi blue light umumnya menggunakan alat terpisah dan memerlukan penanganan tambahan. Sumber pencahayaan biru menggunakan Light Emitting Diode (LED) yang ditempatkan sepanjang tudung pemanas dengan spasi dan penempatan strip berbahan alumunium untuk menempelkan LED agar ter…
Penghangat bayi adalah perangkat utama yang digunakan pada bangsal unit perawatan bayi baru lahir. Perangkat ini terdiri dari elemen pemanas dan dikendalikan berdasarkan bacaan suhu kulit bayi untuk menjaga suhu stabil antara 37-37,5°C. Penelitian ini menelaah performa pembacaan sensor suhu non kontak yang menggunakan prinsip termofil pada penghangat bayi. Sistem penghangat bayi yang dibuat te…
An infusion pump is a device used to enter fluid into the patient's body through a continuous. During its development, there are currently two types of infusion pumps namely vertical infusion pumps and horizontal infusion pumps used by users. The two infusion pumps have different technologies. Doctors and nurses as users sometimes feel confused in their use, caused by different technologies. Th…
One of the causes of increasing diabetes mellitus is irregular diet, lifestyle, and exercise. This disease can cause complications, including susceptibility to infection, so that it develops into diabetic ulcers and can lead to amputations. The purpose of this study is to design a low-cost device used to treat diabetic ulcers. The contribution of this study is that the system can help remove fl…
In the non-stress test, there are several parameters including the fetal Doppler. fetal doppler is used to detect the fetal heart in the womb. It can be seen that the fetal heart rate in the womb under normal circumstances is in the range of 120-140 beats per minute. Noise on doppler fetal output can affect fetal heart rate readings. the purpose of this research is to design a non-stress test d…
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by a decrease in the pancreas to produce insulin. We present a medical records system and reminders to patients of the measurement results of non-invasive blood glucose levels. Measuring blood glucose levels is vital in avoiding potential adverse health effects like diabetes. Generally, measuring blood glucose levels using the conventional method …
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a breathing disorder that occurs in newborns, often in premature babies born before 28 weeks of gestation. The bubble CPAP (Continuous Positive Airways Pressure) is a device used to provide positive pressure to newborns who can breathe spontaneously but are still prone to apnoea. The rise time is the time it takes for the airway pressure to reach the maxim…
Research conducted by Muhaji, Bedjo Santoso, Putrono on the comparison of the effectiveness of two levels of suction pressure on oxygen saturation in endotracheal tube patients. The findings show that there is a significant effect of negative pressure on oxygen saturation. So that the use of the pressure value must be ensured that it is appropriate so as not to injure the patient. The accuracy …
Permasalahan pada masyarakat di wilayah Johar Baru adanya peningkatan kondisi hipertensi dan penurunan pendapatan, oleh karena itu tim pengabmas memiliki gagasan atau ide memberikan bimbingan teknis pengelolaan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA) dengan metode hidroponik. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan perilaku masyarakat melalui edukasi pemanfaatan…