ABSTRACT Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-nCoV-2) the cause of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in Wuhan in December 2019, has spread throughout the world. Each country tries to develop treatment protocol guidelines following the latest research developments to increase the cure rate due to the absence of standard guidelines. The purpose of this res…
The national health insurance program (JKN) provided by the government can guarantee the health of all Indonesian people in a comprehensive, inexpensive, affordable and quality manner through a referral system that is running well. This study aimed to determine the cost of heart failure treatment in the INA-CBG tariff package for outpatient JKN patients. This study is a quantitative descript…
ABSTRACT Uncontrolled antibiotics use can induce antibiotics resistance cases. The community believe that antibiotics can cure all disease. Because of that Pharmacist is needed home pharmacy care related by antibiotics use knowledge to justify people's misconceptions. The main purpose of this research to analysis relationship between knowledge of behavior using antibiotics in Kelurahan Petuka…
Permasalahan pada masyarakat di wilayah Johar Baru adanya peningkatan kondisi hipertensi dan penurunan pendapatan, oleh karena itu tim pengabmas memiliki gagasan atau ide memberikan bimbingan teknis pengelolaan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA) dengan metode hidroponik. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan perilaku masyarakat melalui edukasi pemanfaatan…
Kematian akibat Covid-19 menurut Centers for Disease Control and Prevention di Amerika Serikat terjadi pada pasien rentan dan memiliki riwayat komorbid penyakit seperti hipertensi. Virus SARS Cov-19 masuk kedalam sel manusia dan menginfeksi melalui ikatan dengan reseptor Angitensin Converting Enzym 2 (ACE 2). Terapi farmakologi pada penanganan Covid-19 dengan riwayat komorbid hipertensi dalam t…
Sebagian besar kalangan ibu rumah tangga masih minim mengenal beberapa jenis bumbu dapur sebagai obat tradisional yang memiliki kandungan zat aktif bersifat imunostimulan. Penduduk Pademangan Barat salah satu wilayah yang mempunyai kasus terbanyak COVID-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta serta nilai kesehatan relatif rendah dibanding kelurahan lain. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan memberikan pe…
ABSTRACT One of the efforts of the Indonesian government to fight Covid 19 is to hold vaccinations for all Indonesian people. DKI Jakarta is one of the epicenters of the spread of Covid 19 which was the beginning of starting vaccination activities. There is still many people's rejection of the implementation of complete basic immunization including Covid 19 vaccination. Objective: To determ…
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) adalah pandemik yang terjadi pada akhir 2019. Saat ini beberapa penelitian untuk terapi COVID-19 telah dilakukan, tetapi obat spesifik yang terbukti efektif dan aman untuk mengobati penyakit ini belum ada. Swamedikasi diharapkan dapat mengurangi tingkat keparahan penderita dan juga penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia. Pasien tanpa gejala atau gejala ringan da…
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which attacks the respiratory system. In the midst of the soaring Covid-19 virus outbreak, TB patients are patients who should be more vigilant about the outbreak. GTN (Global Tuberculosis Network) describes that out of 49 patients with TB status, about 26 patients suffering from TB were then exposed to Covid-19. The purpose i…
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-nCoV-2) the cause of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in Wuhan in December 2019, has spread throughout the world. Each country tries to develop treatment protocol guidelines following the latest research developments to increase the cure rate due to the absence of standard guidelines. The purpose of this research is t…
Banyak kalangan mitra belum menyadari bahaya makanan yang mengandung zat aditif berbahaya dan dilarang karena dapat merusak kesehatan tubuh seperti formalin, boraks dan rhodamin. Mitra wilayah Duri Selatan belum mengetahui secara sederhana dalam mendeteksi adanya bahan pangan berbahaya tersebut dalam makanan. Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan pelatihan deteksi bahan tambahan makanan…
Pengetahuan mengenai pengelolaan dagusibu obat merupakan faktor predisposisi dari perilaku kesehatan yang mengarah kepada timbulnya drug related problem. Bentuk kegiatan mencakup pemberdayaan masyarakat tentang pelatihan soft skill dan hard skill Pengelolaan Dagusibu Obat Melalui Simulasi Kotak simpan obat di Wilayah Kecamatan Johar Baru Tahun 2019. Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat…
Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) berat adalah penderita psikotik akut dan skizofrenia. Skizofrenia merupakan gangguan jiwa yang parah, ditandai dengan banyaknya gangguan dalam berpikir, mempengaruhi bahasa, persepsi, dan rasa kesadaran diri. Rasionalitas obat adalah pemakaian obat yang rasional dimana pasien menerima pengobatan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan klinis. Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2…
Tuberculosis/Human Immunodeficiency Virus (TB/HIV) co-infection has poorer treatment outcome compared to non-co-infected patients. To benefit from therapy and to avoid contracting treatment-resistant strains, the individuals must adherent to medications. There is limited information regarding successful TB treatment outcomes and their associated factors. Thus, the study was designed to identify…
ABSTRACT The household drug management is common practice worldwide especially for storing ethical and OTC drugs that indicated for first aid treatment and chronic condition. Beside higher costs, accumulation medicines at home may be contributed to the lack of knowledge and behavior in patient, patient's family and environmental. Negative relationships in household drug management more likely …
Background: Since the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the misuse of health supplements during the pandemic has been very high. Knowledge and actions of supplement self-medication educational media ensure that students provide information on appropriate supplements to the larger community. Aim: To determine the effects of various uses of health supplement self-medication learning m…
Abstrak: Penyimpanan dan pembuangan obat kurang tepat menjadi masalah pengelolaan obat yang berdampak negatif pada kesehatan masyarakat. Hubungan perilaku negatif pada pengelolaan obat dirumah tangga, lebih cenderung berisiko bagi pasien dengan riwayat penyakit degeneratif dan polifarmasi. Kepedulian tenaga farmasi terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian untuk pasien penyakit degeneratif, diwujudkan da…
Introduction: Indonesia experiences Tuberculosis (TB) cases that are very complex and complicated, especially those dealing with Multi-Drug Resistance TB (MDR-TB). Its therapy using several types of drugs can cause several problems; one of them is an adverse drug reaction. Aim: To investigate the association between Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) and the successful treatments of MDR-TB patients. …