Sinopsis Catatan harian seorang ibu terhadap tumbuh kembang anak laki laki-laki nya, mulai dari lahir hingga usia lima tahun. Dicatat setiap perubahan berat badan dan tinggi badan, perkembangan motorik dan psikomotor. Ibu dapat menempelkan foto pertumbuhan anak dari tengkurap, merangkak, berjalan, dan tumbuh gigi. Terdapat tabel untuk memudahkan ibu mencatatkan vaksinasi yang akan diberikan da…
Banyak kalangan mitra belum menyadari bahaya makanan yang mengandung zat aditif berbahaya dan dilarang karena dapat merusak kesehatan tubuh seperti formalin, boraks dan rhodamin. Mitra wilayah Duri Selatan belum mengetahui secara sederhana dalam mendeteksi adanya bahan pangan berbahaya tersebut dalam makanan. Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan pelatihan deteksi bahan tambahan makanan…
Abstract This book is to discuss one of the efforts to fulfill the need for Healthy Food & Beverage textbooks as a basic material in understanding the Principles of Food Hygiene and Sanitation, and as a basic material in understanding the Principles of Food Hygiene and Sanitation. This book can contribute to the development of science and technology, especially in the field of environmental h…
Abstract This book is intended for education Diploma III and Diploma IV Department of Environmental Health Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta II, and can also provide information about contribution to the development of science and technology, especially in the field of environmental health and can also be used as a source of information for other readers. The book discusses Enviro…
Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the many air pollutants produced by human activity. These pollutants become very dangerous, especially if it is in an enclosed area. One way to reduce CO with the use of plants Sansiviera trifasciata / tongue-in-law. Study design using test methods one group pretest-post test. The test is to compare how the percentage decrease in CO levels before and after a trea…