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The role sanitation to stunting children age 6-35 months, Purwojati subdistrict, Banyumas district, Central Java, Indonesia
Background: Stunting toddlers describe the existence of chronic nutritional problems, influenced by prospective maternal, fetal period, and toddler age, including illnesses during infancy. Children who stunted impact not only on intelligence, productivity and future performance after adulthood. Methods: The study in 10 villages in Purwojati Subdistric, Banyumas district, Central Java, Indonesia in 2017. The cross-sectional study design with population is households that have children aged 6-35 months. A sample of 348 children aged 6-35 months was taken by the cluster whit design effect of 2.
Results: Respondents consisted of 52.3% boys, 45.4% aged 12-23 months. Most of the energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate intake is more than 80% of the recommended dietary allowance and a small proportion of children suffer from measles, Acute Respiratory Infection and diarrhoea. For sanitation 68.4% of the houses are in the poor, poor waste management is 92%, non-plumbing sources 68.9%, dirty latrine 19.3% and the latrine was not cleaned is 92.2%. There was no average difference in z-score H/A based on nutrient intake, house status, waste management and
water sources, but there were significant differences (p=0.032) on average z-score H/A based on cleaning the latrine. There was no average difference in z-score H/A based on nutrient intake, house status, waste management, and water sources, but there were significant (p=0.032) on average z-score H/A based on cleaning the latrine.
Conclusions : Sanitation is related to height, there were significant differences on average z-score H/A based on cleaning latrine.
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