Background: The impact of stunting children is an enhancement in the incidence of morbidity and mortality, development cognitive, motoric, nonoptimal children verbal, enhancement of health costs, nonoptimal as an adult, enhancement risk of obesity, decreased health of reproduction, low capacity of learning, productivity and also work capacity which is not optimal. Purpose: The objective of t…
Background: Stunting toddlers describe the existence of chronic nutritional problems, influenced by prospective maternal, fetal period, and toddler age, including illnesses during infancy. Children who stunted impact not only on intelligence, productivity and future performance after adulthood. Methods: The study in 10 villages in Purwojati Subdistric, Banyumas district, Central Java, Indonesia…
Pemerintah R.I. sudah menentukan target yang ingin dicapai dalam bidang kesehatan dan gizi untuk meningkatkan sumberdaya manusia Indonesia yang berkualitas. Namun demikian setelah beberapa periode, perbaikan kesehatan dan gizi secara umum pada kelompok rawan gizi belum banyak mengalami perubahan dan bahkan ada yang cenderung memburuk. Oleh karena itu Presiden mengeluarkan Peraturan Presiden Nom…