Aging facial skin can be characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, reduced skin moisture/dry and rough, and the occurrence of pigmentation such as black spots. Aging is a natural process associated with degenerative processes, besides external factors such as air pollution, sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate aging of facial skin. Phenolic compounds in corn cobs…
Aging facial skin can be characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, reduced skin moisture/dry and rough, and the occurrence of pigmentation such as black spots. Aging is a natural process associated with degenerative processes, besides external factors such as air pollution, sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate aging of facial skin. Phenolic compounds in corn cobs…
Aging facial skin can be characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, reduced skin moisture/dry and rough, and the occurrence of pigmentation such as black spots. Aging is a natural process associated with degenerative processes, besides external factors such as air pollution, sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate aging of facial skin. Phenolic compounds in corn cobs…
Aging facial skin can be characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, reduced skin moisture/dry and rough, and the occurrence of pigmentation such as black spots. Aging is a natural process associated with degenerative processes, besides external factors such as air pollution, sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate aging of facial skin. Phenolic compounds in corn cobs…
Aging facial skin can be characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, reduced skin moisture/dry and rough, and the occurrence of pigmentation such as black spots. Aging is a natural process associated with degenerative processes, besides external factors such as air pollution, sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate aging of facial skin. Phenolic compounds in corn cobs…
Aging facial skin can be characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, reduced skin moisture/dry and rough, and the occurrence of pigmentation such as black spots. Aging is a natural process associated with degenerative processes, besides external factors such as air pollution, sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate aging of facial skin. Phenolic compounds in corn cobs…
Menstrual pain is called dysmenorrhea; 15% of women who experience menstrual pain feel uncomfortable. Savitri & Swari (2020) stated that menstrual pain occurs 1-2 days before menstruation appears and continues until the third day of menstruation or the end. Some studies declare that ginger water decoction can reduce menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea. In vitro and in vivo, ginger has been s…
In the community, antibiotic is commonly use as anti-infective drugs. Along with the increase in infectious disease, its use has also increased. Knowledge of its use, benefits and side effects in Indonesia is still low. In line with the results of Riskesdas 2013, 86.1% of households store antibiotics obtained without a prescription. Antibiotics are often used to treat symptoms of minor il…
Menstrual pain is called dysmenorrhea; 15% of women who experience menstrual pain feel uncomfortable. Savitri & Swari (2020) stated that menstrual pain occurs 1-2 days before menstruation appears and continues until the third day of menstruation or the end. Some studies declare that ginger water decoction can reduce menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea. In vitro and in vivo, ginger has been s…
The results of previous studies on each concentration of 4000 ppm SPF value of sunscreen cream corncob extract (Zea mays L.) of 5.40. and SPF value of coffee bean extract cream (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) of 8.54. Both of these plant research results have SPF values that are still below 8 -15, so that further research is carried out using a mixture of the two extracts on a su…
In the community, antibiotic is commonly use as anti-infective drugs. Along with the increase in infectious disease, its use has also increased. Knowledge of its use, benefits and side effects in Indonesia is still low. In line with the results of Riskesdas 2013, 86.1% of households store antibiotics obtained without a prescription. Antibiotics are often used to treat symptoms of minor il…
The results of previous studies on each concentration of 4000 ppm SPF value of sunscreen cream corncob extract (Zea mays L.) of 5.40. and SPF value of coffee bean extract cream (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) of 8.54. Both of these plant research results have SPF values that are still below 8 -15, so that further research is carried out using a mixture of the two extracts on a su…
Penuaan kulit yang ditandai dengan adanya kerutan dan berkurangnya kelembaban kulit akibat paparan sinar matahari dapat dicegah dengan menggunakan sediaan tabir surya. Krim tabir surya kombinasi ekstrak tongkol jagung dan ekstrak biji kopi robusta memiliki aktifitas antioksidan kuat dan perlindungan ekstra, sehingga berpotensi sebagai anti-aging. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivi…
Pendahuluan: Penuaan adalah proses alami yang berhubungan dengan berbagai proses degeneratif, ditandai dengan munculnya kerutan, kering, kasar, dan flek hitam pada kulit wajah. Penuaan dapat dihambat dengan menggunakan anti-aging yaitu tabir surya. Tongkol jagung dan biji kopi robusta mengandung senyawa fenolik yang berpotensi sebagai tabir surya dan mampu memperlambat proses penuaan. Metode: …
Among the many plants that grow in Indonesia, which can be used for alternative medicine, one of them is the soursop (Annona muricata L.). Acetogenin derived from the soursop plants touted able to overcome the 12 cancer cells. In America, a sample from Indonesia tested on of lung cancer cells, breast, colon, and a variety of other cancer cells. Making oral dosage form in tablet soursop leaf …
ABSTRACT One of the efforts of the Indonesian government to fight Covid 19 is to hold vaccinations for all Indonesian people. DKI Jakarta is one of the epicenters of the spread of Covid 19 which was the beginning of starting vaccination activities. There is still many people's rejection of the implementation of complete basic immunization including Covid 19 vaccination. Objective: To determ…
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which attacks the respiratory system. In the midst of the soaring Covid-19 virus outbreak, TB patients are patients who should be more vigilant about the outbreak. GTN (Global Tuberculosis Network) describes that out of 49 patients with TB status, about 26 patients suffering from TB were then exposed to Covid-19. The purpose i…
Pengetahuan mengenai pengelolaan dagusibu obat merupakan faktor predisposisi dari perilaku kesehatan yang mengarah kepada timbulnya drug related problem. Bentuk kegiatan mencakup pemberdayaan masyarakat tentang pelatihan soft skill dan hard skill Pengelolaan Dagusibu Obat Melalui Simulasi Kotak simpan obat di Wilayah Kecamatan Johar Baru Tahun 2019. Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat…
Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) berat adalah penderita psikotik akut dan skizofrenia. Skizofrenia merupakan gangguan jiwa yang parah, ditandai dengan banyaknya gangguan dalam berpikir, mempengaruhi bahasa, persepsi, dan rasa kesadaran diri. Rasionalitas obat adalah pemakaian obat yang rasional dimana pasien menerima pengobatan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan klinis. Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2…
ABSTRACT The effervescent tablet containing extract of temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) with variation of stevia sweetener has been formulated using wet granulation method. This research aims to find the formulation of effervescent tablet of temulawak extract (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) with the variation of stevia sweetener that meets the requirements of physical tablet test. The effer…