Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for six months is still designated as one of the indicators of target achievements expected to rise to expectations of 50%. The general purpose of this study was to develop a mixture based drink material product of katuk leaves, which possesses lactogogum effects for nursing mothers, and studied its effect of synergy with bean crops towards gain in milk pro…
ABSTRACT Objectives : Human breast milk is currently considered as essential nutrient for all infants. Poor breast milk production is the mayor cause of breast feeding failure. The development of mixtures drink of Katuk leaves and green bean which has the ability to help increase breast milk production (lactogogues effect) is one of the alternatives. This beverage has also nutrient conte…
Catfish oil is the waste product of catfish flour. The addition of vitamin E can increase the life of this oil. The aim of the study was to study whether the addition of vitamin E could improve the quality of oil. The method for assessing the quality was carried out by assessing changes in the chemical content of the oil (free fatty acid values, peroxide values, anisidin values and total oxida…
Background: One of the determinants of the existence and continuity of health personnel education is quality assurance in the education process, especially the process of evaluating learning outcomes. The thing that is demanded in the assessment is that the lecturer is able to ensure congruence between the learning outcomes that will be assessed by the learning outcomes test so as to characteri…