The congruence of learning outcomes and learning achievement test instrument need to be appropriate so that graduates are competent. To evaluate the process of developing learning outcome tests and content validity in the Diploma Program of Polytechnics Health Jakarta II. Survey, descriptive and cross sectional. Collecting data about the validation of learning outcome test questions is done by …
Kegemukan dan obesitas pada anak usia sekolah sudah menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Anak yang mengalami obesitas pada usia sekolah 75%nya akan mengalami obesitas pada usia dewasanya. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah membantu masyarakat sekolah dalam mensukseskan program healthy class dan menjadikan sekolah sebagai sekolah peduli obesitas. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah melakukan evaluasi status…
Background: One of the determinants of the existence and continuity of health personnel education is quality assurance in the education process, especially the process of evaluating learning outcomes. The thing that is demanded in the assessment is that the lecturer is able to ensure congruence between the learning outcomes that will be assessed by the learning outcomes test so as to characteri…