Kematian akibat Covid-19 menurut Centers for Disease Control and Prevention di Amerika Serikat terjadi pada pasien rentan dan memiliki riwayat komorbid penyakit seperti hipertensi. Virus SARS Cov-19 masuk kedalam sel manusia dan menginfeksi melalui ikatan dengan reseptor Angitensin Converting Enzym 2 (ACE 2). Terapi farmakologi pada penanganan Covid-19 dengan riwayat komorbid hipertensi dalam t…
Pengetahuan mengenai pengelolaan dagusibu obat merupakan faktor predisposisi dari perilaku kesehatan yang mengarah kepada timbulnya drug related problem. Bentuk kegiatan mencakup pemberdayaan masyarakat tentang pelatihan soft skill dan hard skill Pengelolaan Dagusibu Obat Melalui Simulasi Kotak simpan obat di Wilayah Kecamatan Johar Baru Tahun 2019. Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat…
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja adalah suatu pemikiran dan upaya untuk menjamin keutuhan dan kesempurnaan baik jasmani maupun rohani tenaga kerja pada khususnya, dan manusia pada umumnya, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang diterapkan pada ruang pemeriksaan CT Scan di RSU Kabupaten Tangerang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di ruang pemeriks…
Inadequate storage of medicine s at home is a common health problem in tehe community. Therefore it is important to promote this issue through interesting media to increase knowledge related to medication storage .This study aims to compare convrmtional media ( leaflet) with motion graphics in increasing knowledge of drug storage at home. Quasi-experimental research with a protecst-posttest …
ABSTRACT Article history: Received date 10 Mar 2020 Revised date 09 Apr 2020 Accepted date 24 Apr 2020 Inadequate storage of medicines at home is a common health problem in the community. Therefore, it is important to promote this issue through interesting media to increase knowledge related to medication storage. This study aims to compare conventional media (leaflet) with motion graph…
ABSTRACT---- Background: Poor drug storage at home may lead to physicochemical degradation of drugs and in further cases, irrational drug use. This study aims to investigate the tendency of inappropriate storage, the purpose and type of drugs kept at home, as well as predicted risk factors. Methods: Study involved 295 households as respondents obtained from multistage cluster sampling. Struct…
ABSTRACT Inappropriate drug storage at home isacommonhealth problem in the community. Improper storage ofdrug may affect thequalityof drug. Pharmacist,as a drug informer,plays importantroleproviding education about how to store medicines. This study aims to develop educational media in the form of motion graphics and analyze the effect of media toimprove the knowledge of …