In terms of breast cancer radiation treatment, it has radiation using the 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy (3D-CRT) technique and the continuation of the 3D-CRT technique, namely the Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) technique. This study aims to evaluate the dosage aspects of PTV and OAR between the 3D-CRT and IMRT techniques in cases of left breast cancer with hypofractionation using t…
C-Arm equipment is commonly used for three-dimensional patient imaging in real time using fluoroscopy techniques. This study aims to evaluate the effective dose of eye lens received by radiation workers during cardiac catheterization. The main tool uses the C-Arm equipment and the calibrated TLD detector chip. The object of observation is the eye lens of radiation workers consisting of one radi…
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui selisih nilai piksel Liver-kidney berdasarkan derajat perlemakan hati, perbandingan selisih nilai piksel Liver-kidney berdasarkan derajat perlemakan hati, dan membandingkan hasil analisis selisih nilai piksel Liver-kidney dengan diagnosis klinisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 80 citra ultrasonografi dengan klinis Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease pada setiap d…
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis profil nilai piksel pada citra USG Peripheral Alrterial Disease (PAD) dengan metode line profile, menghitung nilai SNR dan mengembangkan program peningkatan kualitas citra menggunakan berbagai algoritma filtering dan contrast enhancement. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat eksperimental melalui pengumpulan data citra normal dan abnormal lalu peningka…
Abstract Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh penerapan beberapa jenis algoritma preprocessing untuk mencari karakteristik segmen abnormal yang tampak pada citra mamografi. Mamografi merupakan pemeriksaan radiografi khusus payudara. Penerapan algoritma preprocessing yang terdiri dari metode filtering, contrast enhancement, sharpening, dan smoothing diharapkan dapat mengurangi noise dan meningk…
The picture quality get from CT Scan of Thorax which required optimal parameter selection that’s right, one of them the selection of slice thickness. The method taken from theses that have been publish in the year 2013. The results of the research show the percentage of the value of the average spatial resolution of 2.5 mm slice thickness is (33.3%), noise (17.8%), artefact (1%). On the thick…
Abstract Gynecomastia is hypertrophy abnormality of male’s breast gland soft tissue. In that case, the mammography is difficult to show the malignant masses. The ultrasonography is often useful and really important examination to confirm the diagnosis by showing retroareolar hypoechoic mass and or elevation of hyperechoic on parenchyma gland. Gynecomastia is very rare cases in older man. …
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the result of the calculation of fetal weight estimation based on Hadlock’s formula with baby birth weight. The design of this research is quantitative analytic. The data is analyzed by the
Abstract Introduction: Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is one of the determining factors of MRI images quality. SNR is defined as the ratio of the intensity of an object signal seen with noise. There are several factors that can affect SNR, one of them is the radiofrequency coil. Knee MRI examination based on the literature using a Knee coil with the shape of the volume. While in some hospit…
ABSTRAK VERIFIKASI NILAI DOSIS TERHADAP VARIASI LAPANGAN BLOK ELEKTRON PADA ENERGI 6 MEV DAN 9 MEV PESAWAT LINAC VARIAN (CLINAC IX-SN4740). Perencanaan radiasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam radioterapi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu melakukan verifikasi nilai dosis radiasi hasil perhitungan Treatment Planning System (TPS) dengan dosimeter ionization chamber menggunakan slab phantom p…
ABSTRACT The accuracy of patient position is essential to achieve the purpose of radiotherapy. Therefore, before radiotherapy, the isocenter of the patient must be determined to find out the target location. Verification serves to determine the isocenter that shifts from the reference point on the CT simulator. This research was conducted using field observation method, comparing the res…
Abstract Introduction: Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is one of the determining factors of MRI images quality. SNR is defined as the ratio of the intensity of an object signal seen with noise. There are several factors that can affect SNR, one of them is the radiofrequency coil. Knee MRI examination based on the literature using a Knee coil with the shape of the volume. While in some hospit…
Abstract Haemorrhagic Stroke is a common disease in Indonesia. The best imaging modality for this disease is Multi Slice Computed Tomography Scanning (MSCT), as it may help strengthening the diagnosis as well as determining the brain bleeding volume. This study aimed to show correlation between bleeding volume of the brain and patient’s age using cross-sectional approach. The 68 samples in t…
KESIMPULAN Setelah melalui tahap analisa dan pengujian Algoritma Expectation Maximization pada citra USG kanker payudara, maka dapat diambil beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Proses pengolahan citra merupakan salah satu faktor penting, hal ini dikarenakan citra USG payudara asli memiliki kontras yang rendah dan akan menyebabkan kesulitan dalam pengenalan area kanker. 2. Proses…
Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan distribusi nilai dosis yang signifikan antara merek pesawat rontgen, jenis pemeriksaan pada instalasi Radiologi lahan tempat PKN mahasiswa , baik untuk mA rendah maupun mA yang tinggi. Kecuali untuk instalasi Radiologi RS Siloam Cikarang, nilai dosis serapnya untuk pemeriksaan ab…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dosis hambur yang diterima oleh petugas dan pasien saat dilakukan pemeriksaan pemasangan PEN pada kasus-kasus ortopedi dengan menggunakan Surveymeter. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif komparatif dengan 120 sampel dengan data primer yang dilakukan di kamar operasi Rumah Sakit UKI Jakarta, dengan menggunakan pesawat C-Arm, pada bu…
KESIMPULAN Setelah melalui tahap analisa dan pengujian Algoritma Expectation Maximization pada citra USG kanker payudara, maka dapat diambil beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Proses pengolahan citra merupakan salah satu faktor penting, hal ini dikarenakan citra USG payudara asli memiliki kontras yang rendah dan akan menyebabkan kesulitan dalam pengenalan area kanker. 2. Proses s…
KESIMPULAN Berdasarkan penelitian keluaran kV, linearitas mA, dan ketepatan waktu eksposi yang telah dilakukan dibeberapa Puskesmas di wilayah DKI Jakarta , maka dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Di Puskesmas Kebon Jeruk, Puskesmas Setia Budi, Puskesmas Gambir, Puskesmas Tambora dan Puskesmas Kembangan diperoleh hasil pengukuran keluaran kV masih memenuhi batas toleran…
Abstract Immobilization tools are used to reduce the movement during irradiation; one of the immobilization tools is Loxon Body Mask applied on the abdominal and pelvic regions. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of Loxon Body Mask against changes in X, Y and Z coordinates. The study took place in the Radiotherapy Installation of MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi. Data were obtained fr…
DOI: Keywords: moving laser, verification, on-board imager Abstract The accuracy of patient position is essential to achieve the purpose of radiotherapy. Therefore, before radiotherapy, the isocenter of the patient must be determined to find out the target location. Verification serves to determine the isocenter that shifts from the reference point on …