The objective of study to evaluate technical scanning and Image result of dengue haemorragic fever (DHF) on abdominal ultrasound examination. The Methods was a case study Presentation from 3 patients, and observations were taken from March 2022 to July 2022 at the RSUD Cengkareng Jakarta. Using a 3.5 MHz frequency convex transducer, take longitudinal and transverse shots with the supine pati…
MRI is a diagnostic imaging tool crucial for pelvic examination in perianal fistula cases. MRI imaging offers some advantages, especially in showing the area of spesi and secondary dilatation. Both have a high recurrence rate after surgery and an important role in determining surgical outcomes and minimizing complications. This study aims to evaluate pelvic MRI examination of perianal fistu…
ANALYSIS OF IMAGE QUALITY WITH VARIATION SLICE THICKNESS ON BRAIN CT-SCAN OF EXAMINATION Eka Putra Syarif Hidayat1) , Puji Supriyono1) , Khairil Anwar1) , Nurbaiti1) 1 Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II E-mail: ABSTRACT CT scan of the brain in the radiology department of several hospitals performs a CT scan of t…
ANALYSIS OF IMAGE QUALITY WITH VARIATION SLICE THICKNESS ON BRAIN CT-SCAN OF EXAMINATION Eka Putra Syarif Hidayat1) , Puji Supriyono1) , Khairil Anwar1) , Nurbaiti1)1 Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II E-mail: ABSTRACT CT scan of the brain in the radiology department of several hospitals performs a CT scan of the b…
Finding cases of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis is not always easy. The sonopattern image from the ultrasound plane (USG) helps doctors diagnose both. Cases characterized by gallbladder abnormalities can be observed through ultrasound examination techniques and the analyze the sonopattern characteristics and thickness of the gallbladder wall. This qualitative research uses secondary data from…
Abstract Gynecomastia is hypertrophy abnormality of male’s breast gland soft tissue. In that case, the mammography is difficult to show the malignant masses. The ultrasonography is often useful and really important examination to confirm the diagnosis by showing retroareolar hypoechoic mass and or elevation of hyperechoic on parenchyma gland. Gynecomastia is very rare cases in older man. …