Puskesmas Rujukan Mikroskopis (PRM) Tuberculosis (TB) adalah laboratorium yang mampu membuat sediaan, pewarnaan dan pemeriksaan mikroskopis dahak, menerima rujukan dan melakukan pembinaan teknis kepada Puskesmas Satelit (PS), tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas berperan sebagai pelaksana pelayanan kesehatan diharapkan agar Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi (Tupoksi) tenaga kesehatan sesuai dengan pendidikan dan…
ABSTRACT Background: The seafood industry produces over 100 million pounds of seashell waste every year. With landfillspace diminishing quickly, ways to recycle waste materials are becoming more sought. This happened in Cilincing, Indonesia. There were piles of green shell skin up to 2 to 4 meters. Green shell skin waste can be used as material to make paving block. It can be solutio…
Abstract: The Microscopic Referral Health Center (MRHC) Tuberculosis (TB) is a laboratory that is capable of making preparations, coloring, and microscopic examination of phlegm. It receives referrals and conducts technical coaching to the Satellite Health Center (SHC) and health workers. The development of health workers is expected to work in accordance with the education and skill they have…
Workplace accidents are unexpected incidents and cause losses that are the result of a series of incidents that involving causal factors, immediate causes which closely related to accidents, indirect causes, and basic causes. Based on work accident data of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor Plant II-4W Tambun, Bekasi, West Java, from 2011 to 2015 there were 11 cases of accidents in Section Wel…
Health laboratory services are an integral part of health services to the community and expected to provide accurate information in all stages: pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic. This study aimed to determine the relationship henveen laboratory experts' performances in Primary Health Care (Puskesmas) against community perceptions conducted in 24 Puskesmas in Surabaya with el-sample of 30…
Lembar Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review Karya -Buku : Responsive Culture : Characteristics And Implementations
Kesimpulan model tesis dan hipotesis Berdasarkan model terbaik jalur pengaruh awareness management berpengaruh langsung terhadap organizational commitment. Organizational commitment berpengaruh langsung terhadap terhadap responsive culture. Responsive culture berpengaruh langsung terhadap organizational citizenship behavior serta organizational citizenship behavior berpengaruh langsung ter…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komitmen organisasi terhadap budaya masyarakat, hygiene sanitasi dan kejadian diare di masyarakat. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang bermukim di wilayah kerja lima Puskesmas kabupaten Purbalingga. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunak…
RINGKASAN Limbah adalah sisa kegiatan manusia yang dapat menjadi pencemaran atau polusi bagi lingkungan sekitarnya. Jadi limbah adalah sisa atau buangan yang dihasilkan oleh kegiatan individu maupun berkelompok yang tidak memiliki nilai ekonomis, sehingga perlu pengelolaan khusus saat proses pembuangannya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya serius untuk menanganinya agar dapat bermanfaat…
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using Leucaena leucocephala seed – an herbal drug, instead of Pyrantel Pamoate as an attempt to heal worm-infected children. A total number of 80 worm-infected children were treated either by Pyrantel Pamoate 250 milligrams single dose (20 children) or by Leucaena leucocephala seed (60 children) with different doses – s…