Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh positif persepsi mahasiswa tentang kompetensi profesional dosen mata kuliah metodologi penelitian terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian asosiatif deskriptif, Analisis yang digunakan adalah Path Analysis. Variabel penelitian antara lain: kompetensi professional dosen mata kuliah meto…
Purpose to determine carbamate , organophosphate, triazole, neonicotinoid pesticide residues in fresh vegetables are still safe for human consumption with Methods Analysis of carbamate residues such as carbofuran and malathion such as organophosphate and prefenofos, imidaclopid, difeconazole , acephate suc a single pesticide in fresh vegetables mustard, cucumber and cabbage. Vegetables come f…
ABSTRACTPineapple plantscontain a very important enzyme calledbromeilin. Bromeilin is one type of protein enzymatic. The benefits of bromelin are as meat plasters which can damage the cell wallsthrough enzymatic reactions. This research was conducted to determine the activity of pineapple extract and lemongrass oil extract as aedes aegypti mosquito larvae killer I…