The results of previous studies on each concentration of 4000 ppm SPF value of sunscreen cream corncob extract (Zea mays L.) of 5.40. and SPF value of coffee bean extract cream (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) of 8.54. Both of these plant research results have SPF values that are still below 8 -15, so that further research is carried out using a mixture of the two extracts on a su…
The results of previous studies on each concentration of 4000 ppm SPF value of sunscreen cream corncob extract (Zea mays L.) of 5.40. and SPF value of coffee bean extract cream (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) of 8.54. Both of these plant research results have SPF values that are still below 8 -15, so that further research is carried out using a mixture of the two extracts on a su…