ABSTRAK Muhammad Ridho Ilahi “RANCANG BANGUN CONTACTLESS THERMOMETER DAN DILENGKAPI INFORMASI KONDISI SUHU TUBUH”, dibawah bimbingan Agus Komarudin, ST., MT., 2021. xvi + 69 halaman + lampiran. Dimasa pandemi Covid-19 ini pengecekkan suhu tubuh menjadi sangat penting, karena salah satu gejala dari infeksi Covid-19 adalah peningkatan suhu tubuh diatas normal dan bisa menyebabkan …
AbstractThe heart is a vital organ that must always be kept healthy. Not only the heart,body temperature is also important to control the condition of the body with the environment and know the symptoms of serious illness.Heart rate and body temperature are veryimportant parameters to determine a person's health condition. The importance of monitoring these …