ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus or commonly called diabetes is a worldwide epidemic caused by chronic hyperglycemia. Simplify the glucose monitoring and easy to use is an essential part of diabetes management. Currently, the use of blood glucose meters conventional in clinical practice needs sufficient reliability. Therefore, self-monitoring of blood glucose with a non-invasive method was present…
Pengaturan dan suplai oksigen sebagai salah satu gas medis di rumah sakit merupakan hal yang penting untuk menjamin ketersediaan gas tersebut bagi keberlangsungan hidup pasien. Pengaturan gas oksigen di rumah sakit biasanya menggunakan sistem pemipaan dengan manifold. Manifold akan memonitoring tekanan gas oksigen pada setiap tabung. Sistem manifold yang digunakan pada umumnya hanya dapat …
Abstract— Retinal vessel segmentation is part of the morphological extraction of retinal blood vessels that plays an essential role in medical image processing. Manual segmentation is possible to do, but it is time- consuming and requires special operators. Moreover, the possibility of variability between operators is vast. This study aims to answer the shortcomings of the manual segmentation…
Abstract Retinal vessel segmentation is part of the morphological extraction of retinal blood vessels that plays an essential role in medical image processing. Manual segmentation is possible to do, but it is time-consuming and requires special operators. Moreover, the possibility of variability between operators is vast. This study aims to answer the shortcomings of the manual segmentation …
AbstractThe heart is a vital organ that must always be kept healthy. Not only the heart,body temperature is also important to control the condition of the body with the environment and know the symptoms of serious illness.Heart rate and body temperature are veryimportant parameters to determine a person's health condition. The importance of monitoring these …
Abstract Bell’s Palsy is a disease that attacks the facial nerves to cause muscle paralysis on one side of the face, indicated by conditions one side of the face becomes stiff and difficult to move. Therapeutic devices are also very much needed to cure facial stiffness besides of giving medicines. One of the most widely used therapies is warm therapy, however, this therapy takes a long time …