Background: Plaque is a soft deposit attached to the teeth consisting of various types of microorganisms from saliva and food waste. Plaque cannot be seen because it is transparent, like the color of translucent white glass. The way to see plaque is to use a contrast material such as a dye (red/purple) in the form of a liquid or gel called a disclosing solution. It is usually found in gel a…
Nofiani Zikria, “Penetapan Kadar Temazepam dalam Urin Secara Kromatografi Gas – Spektrometri Massa”, dibawah bimbingan Joko Sulistiyo, S.T., M.Si. dan Dodi Irwandi, M.Si., 2022. Temazepam merupakan obat golongan benzodiazepine yang termasuk salah satu psikotropika golongan IV.Temazepam memberikan efek hipnotik-sedatif yang dapat membantu insomnia.Berkat efek hipnotik-sedatif yang dihasi…
Background: The most dominant bacteria in dental caries-causing plaque is Streptococcus mutans bacteria, which is a type of acid-producing bacteria that can damage teeth due to the fermentation reaction of carbohydrates including sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Inhibiting the growth of these bacteria is an alternative way to inhibit the growth of plaque so as to prevent dental and gum disease. …
High incidence of antibiotics resistant bacteria spurred researchers to obtain alternative antibacterial compounds. One source of potential antibacterial compounds i.e plants. Bougainvillea (Bougenvillea glabra) has been believed by the people of Indonesia to have medicinal properties, but its potential as an antibacterial has never been studied in Indonesia. The aims of this study were to dete…
Abstract The oim was to see the effect of wedge sea hare extract and papaya juice, on Hemoglobin and Ferritin levels of Mice Strain (BALB / c). Method, True Design Experiment with Control Group, has been used. Mice were divided into 5 groups, each group 5 tails, reserves 5 tails. Intervention of mice was given a solution of collaborative compounds (a mixture of sea rabbit extract with papaya …
Abstract Background: Recently, there is no agent available for the prevention of iron overload (IO) in thalassemia patients. Previous studies showed that Mangifera foetida L. leaf extracts reduced the levels of iron in IO in vitro and in vivo models. The present study aimed to determine the efficacy of Mangifera foetida L. leaf extract in the prevention of IO induced in rats.
Andriani Nurhidayati, “Skrining Bahan Kimia Obat dalam Jamu Pelangsing Melalui Pemisahan Dengan Solid Phase Extraction secara Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi” di bawah bimbingan Silvester Maximus Tulandi, S.Farm., M.Si.dan Ruth Elenora, KS., S.Si., M.Farm., Apt. 2019. Obat tradisional mempunyai efek samping yang kecil (relatif aman) jika digunakan secara tepat. Obat tradisional seri…