Bukti Korrespondensi : Sunscreen Cream Formulation from Corn Cob Extract (Zea mays L.) and Robusta Coffee Bean Extract (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner
The results of previous studies on each concentration of 4000 ppm SPF value of sunscreen cream
corncob extract (Zea mays L.) of 5.40. and SPF value of coffee bean extract cream (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A.
Froehner) of 8.54. Both of these plant research results have SPF values that are still below 8 -15, so that further
research is carried out using a mixture of the two extracts on a sun cream basis based on M / A basis.
Methods:Making extracts of corncob mixture and Robusta coffee using a dose of 10%, and 15% and using a type
A/M cream base. Cream testing includes physical and stability tests. Determination of the effectiveness of sunscreen
cream preparations is done by testing the SPF value, antioxidant content and total phenolics in vitro using a UV / Vis
Results: Cream stability test meets cream requirements. Formula 1 has an IC50 value of 198.61 ppm, a total phenol of
46 mGAE / g, at an SPF value of 35. Formula 2 has an IC50 value of 101.57 ppm, a total phenol of 59.9 mGAE/ g, an
SPF value of 38. Formula 3 has an IC50 value of 150.26 ppm, a total phenol of 51.45 mGAE / g and SPF 37.
Conclusion: Sunscreen cream corn cobs extract and Robusta coffee has good stability, strong antioxidants, the
highest phenol in formula 2, and are categorized as ultra sunblock
Keywords— cream, sunscreen, corncobs, coffee beans
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