Consumption Safety Level of Carbamate, Organo Phosphate, Triazole,Neonicotinoid Pesticide Residues in the Fresh Vegetable Circulating in Bogor According to Analysis of Liquid Cromatography Spectrum Mass and
Purpose to determine carbamate , organophosphate, triazole, neonicotinoid pesticide residues in fresh vegetables are still safe for human
consumption with Methods Analysis of carbamate residues such as carbofuran and malathion such as organophosphate and prefenofos,
imidaclopid, difeconazole , acephate suc a single pesticide in fresh vegetables mustard, cucumber and cabbage. Vegetables come from
traditional markets in the Bogor area. Before being analyzed the three vegetables were washed with mineral water, warm water at 60ºC,
kitchen salt water and vegetables before washing. The vegetables were homogeneous with a homo mixer blender at 800rpm and after that
extracted with acetonitrile with vortex quenchers extraction kit (EN method) for 5 minutes, centrifuge for 5 minutes at 6000rpm speed,
supernatant filter with PTFE 13mmx0.22, then input 1 ml supernatant vortex for 5 minutes, centrifuge for 5 minutes at 6000rpm speed,
supernatant filter with PTFE 13mmx0.22, then input 1 ml supernatant filtered into LC vials, injection with LCMSMS. Result none of the
vegetables analyzed were positive for carbofuran and prefenofos. Conclusion: Consumption of fresh vegetables weighing 20 g / day is still
safe for consumption.
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