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Role of specific interventions to prevent stunting in children under five year in the first thousand days of life
Background Indonesia faces the problem of stunting in children under five years by 24,4% .Boys aged 3 years with severe stunting have 15.0 points lower reading ability and girls have 11.0 ponts compared to mild stunting resulting in a decrease in intelligence (IQ).So that learning achievenment becomes low.Objective was to obtain information onthe role of specific interventions to prevent stunting in children under five years in the first thousand days of life.
Methods ꓽ Case -control design analytical research in the stunted locus area . Jagakarsa Subdistrict . South Jakarta Specials area of the capital Jakarta Indonesia from i in to 30 September 2021. Case samples of all stunting in children under years and controls were normal height children who were matched for age and sex with 28 children each. The inclusion criteria in this research were age 6-59 while the exclusion criteria in this research were toddler who had physical disabilities.
Results ꓽ Variables that showed a significant relationship with stunting in children under five years (p꓿0.005) OR 4.958 ( 955 CIꓽ1.529-15.987).maternal height ( 0.0020 OR 5.727 (95% CI ꓽ1.765-18.507) , father 's education p꓿0.006 OR 5.169 ( 955 CI ꓿ 1.520-17 .580. and family income ( p꓿0.012) OR9.800 ( 95% CI ꓽ 1.116-86.041).
Conclusion ꓽBabies born < 48.0cm at risk of 12.306 times of becoming stunting after controlling for variables such as maternal height , father's educational , energy intake , protein, iron, colds, exclusive breast feeding, supplementary feeding for pregnant women and children and early initiation of breast freeding ,
KeywordsꓽBaby birth length, Cold, Maternal heght, Nutrient intake , Stunting
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