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The Activity Test of Aedes Aegypti Lavacide from The Combination of Lemongress Oil with Pinaple Exstract
ABSTRACTPineapple plantscontain a very important enzyme calledbromeilin. Bromeilin is one type of protein enzymatic. The benefits of bromelin are as meat plasters which can damage the cell wallsthrough enzymatic reactions. This research was conducted to determine the activity of pineapple extract and lemongrass oil extract as aedes aegypti mosquito larvae killer Instar III.It has been done research on the activity test of pineapple extract to death of larvae of aedes aegypti instar 3 mosquito. Pineapple extract is made with concentrationfrom1to 10 ppm. Each concentration was testedin 25 larvae ofaedes aegypti for 24 hoursto observe the killing activity. After 24 hoursthe number of dead aedes aegypti larvaewas count. Then the data was determined byparametric test Kruskal-Wallis. Results obtained: there was a significant difference in the presentation of the death of aedes aegypti intar III larvae at various concentrations. The optimal combination of pineapple extract and lemongrass oil was at 4 ppm concentration (p = 0,007).Keywords: activity, larvacid, Aedes aegypti
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