Kajian Pengelolaan Dan Minimisasi Limbah Padat Non Medis Rumah Sakit DR. Cipo Mangunksusumo Jakarta
The purpose of this study is to formulate a solid waste management strategy for non-medical waste minimization program in the RSCM. The results showed, the
generation of solid waste every day an average of 3448.18 kg or 4.76 kg/bed/day, consisting of medical solid waste at 22.47% and non-medical solid waste at
77.53%. Further analysis of the potential obtained by minimization of waste that can be applied to the RSCM is reduced and recycle. To recycle waste
minimization will bring economic benefits that add value RSCM income of Rp. 1.690718 billion per year. The results of the SWOT analysis, strategy formulation
waste minimization program are: 1) develop policies and procedures for solid waste minimization, 2) develop policies and procedures for surveillance and
security systems, 3) realize the recycling business, 4) formed a partnership with scavengers and pelapak in the form of MOU ; 5) increasing discussion and
participation; 6) to socialize in a planned and sustainable manner; 7) increase the means of solid waste minimization, and 8) to optimize information technology
systems. Strategy formulation and management of solid waste minimization should be included in the strategic plan of the RSCM
Keywords: solid waste management and minimization, reduce, recycle, SWOT analysis
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