The Effect of Giving Drink Mixture of Katuk Leaves (Saorpus Androgynus (L.) Merr), and Mung Bean (Vigna Radiate L.) to milk Production and Weight of Baby Mice
Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for six months is still designated as one of the indicators of target achievements expected to rise to expectations of 50%. The general purpose of this study was to develop
a mixture based drink material product of katuk leaves, which possesses lactogogum effects for nursing mothers, and studied its effect of synergy with bean crops towards gain in milk production and weight of baby mice. This study consisted of efficacy of product carried out on female mice aged 8 weeks of postpartum. Based on the
efficacy test, it showed that the drink mixture of katuk leaves and mung bean is able to increase milk production and the area ofdiameter of the parent murine mammary alveoli gland. Increased weight of baby mice were higher in mice which drank a mixture of katuk leaves and pepaya leaves (2:1) compared to those with 100% of katuk leaves.
Keywords: katuk leaves, pepaya leaves, milk production, weight of baby mice, and mammary alveoli gland
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