Validasi Kualitas Soal Tes Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Keahlian Politeknik Kesehatan Jakarta II
Background: One of the determinants of the existence and continuity of health personnel education is quality assurance in the education process, especially the process of evaluating learning outcomes. The thing that is demanded in the assessment is that the lecturer is able to ensure congruence between the learning outcomes that will be assessed by the learning outcomes test so as to characterize the graduates' competencies.
Objective: To evaluate the process of developing learning outcome tests and content validity in the Diploma Program of Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II.
Methods: Survey, descriptive and cross sectional. Collecting data about the validation of learning outcome test questions is done by looking at how the lecturer develops the learning outcomes test and the quality of the test instrument. The development of learning outcomes test questions was carried out with a questionnaire on 40 lecturers randomly selected and content validity data obtained from the exam questions and Semester Learning Plan (RPS) 1 expertise courses from 7 majors. The questionnaire for the development of learning outcomes was modified by Munadji S (2011), while content validation used Lawshe CH coefficient (1975) with a validator number of 5 people.
Results: Development of 71% learning test is a combination of essay and multiple choice questions; 63% of lecturers make question boxes; 33% of lecturers always validate the problem with competency or learning achievement and only 22% of lecturers adjust the questions with the indicators. The content validation ratio is 0.90 with a panel of 5 experts.
Conclusions and recommendations: Development of the test of learning outcomes in the subject matter of expertise has not been optimal in following the rules of competency-based education and student-centered education. Therefore, the refreshment of lecturers on the basis of kinetic education which is characterized by competency-based education, student-centered and service, as well as professionalism needs to be done.
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