Until now,the waste problem has become an unresolved issue,especially organic waste. Independen and unproductive in reducing waste,not separating inorganic and organic waste into homework,accompanied by the absence of an integrated organic waste management house in the area. Clean village program is the goal for the handling of organic waste in the target areas in empowering enterpreunership de…
Commercial ships that are engaged in shipping and have several types of ships, one of which is the type 1000 ship. The purpose of this study is the knowledge of ship crews on the handling of B3 waste on ships with an approach using government regulation number 101 of 2014.. The method used used quantitatively with direct observation and interviews. During the voyage, the ship produces hazardous…
Incomplete treatment causes the disease to not heal. The problem of dropping out of treatment for tuberculosis is universal, tuberculosis treatment is relatively long, when compared to other infectious diseases. Patients with tuberculosis if not treated properly will cause immunity to germs and can transmit the disease to other people. Objective: To find out the factors that influence the survi…