Introduction: Nutritional status according to the height-to-age index was influenced by many factors, such as maternal or child factors. Now, the government’s nutrition program focuses on the problem of malnutrition in toddlers, especially stunting. The study aimed to determine the relationship between a history of early initiation breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feedin…
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a form of renal failure for at least 3 consecutive months that can be treated with hemodialysis. CKD patients need to undergo diet according to their kidney condition to prevent complications. On Basic Health Research 2018, the prevalence of CKD reached 3.8 percent for population aged ≥15 years. The study aimed to determine the effect of nutritional counsell…
Results The local catering was selected from two possible catering because of closer to participant’s house, the menu, cost and social personality of the owner. After 30 days intervention, the mean increment of weight in the intervention group was 2.4±2.1kg compared with 1.5±1.3kg in the non-intervention group. Mothers in the non-intervention group were three times more likely to decreas…
Info. Bahasan Dalam pertemuan ini Saudara akan mempelajari dahulu konsep-konsep dasar gizi kuliner sebelum belajar lebih lanjut tentang pengembangan kuliner. Urutan topik yang dikaji di awali dari topik 1 mereview tentang gizi kuliner , dimana pada pengembangan kuliner yang berbeda dengan kuliner umumnya, yaitu Suadara selain belajar tentang kuliner juga dikaitkan dengan aspek …