The exposure factor is one of the important parameters in optimizing the radiographic examination. This study aimed to analyze the value of the Signal To Noise Ratio (SNR) against the use of the 15% kV rule method in the examination of Chest AP Supine. Descriptive quantitative research method conducted in the laboratory of the Department of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy, Health …
Abstract. Participation between radiographers and medical physicists is needed in optimizing efforts to control the selection of exposure factors by the required clinical radiographic examination. This research is descriptive quantitative by analyzing of exposure index results used in the chest PA examination as an effort to optimizing radiation dose. Also, statistical analysis was carried …
Radiographers are responsible for producing good image quality by providing the lowest possible radiation dose, by the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle. One of the ALARA principle methods in a radiographic examination is to implement optimization efforts by knowing the DRL. The research method is a quantitative description using the measurement method radiation output as a …
Latar Belakang: Pemeriksaan lumbosacral sering kali menghasilkan kualitas citra yang kurang optimal. histogram equalization merupakan tahapan memanipulasi data citra digital untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra yang dapat diimplementasikan pada citra digital radiografi lumbosacral. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi peningkatan kualitas citra digital radiografi lumbosacral dengan menggunakan histogram equal…
In producing a good radiographic image, an optimization method is needed. This study was conducted to seek optimization of the radiographic examination of the manus ossa with objective and subjective image quality analysis. The research method is quantitative experimental, using a variety of exposure factors: 40kV 4 mAs, 40kV 10 mAs, 46 kV 5 mAs, 53 kV 2,5 mAs, 61kV 1,25 mAs. Then an object…
Kesadaran dan persepsi telah menjadi masalah kesehatan publik dan lingkungan selama setidaknya dua dekade terakhir, sehingga diperlukan kesadaran dan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap pengetahuan tentang radiasi alam dan upaya proteksi radiasi yang bisa dilakukan. Metode dengan pemberian pemahaman yang dilakukan dengan penyuluhan menggunakan media poster dan ceramah interaktif, disertai dengan …
Effort reducing the severity of COVID-19, a flattening of the curve is needed which aims to prepare the treatment system so that the capacity of the hospital can treat patients and provide health care workers, to meet the minimum standard of radiological services during the pandemic, therefore necessary planning and control of radiology services to patients. This research is quantitative des…
A typical image of the Thorax CT Scan as a sign of the early stages and development of Covid- 19 is the finding of Ground Glass Opacities (GGO). GGO is an insignificant increase in the density of the lungs without occlusion of blood vessels and bronchi. In mild cases, GGO tends to be difficult to identify and requires high-resolution CT scanning. In this study, we intend to improve the reso…
Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh variasi exposure index atau indeks paparan (EI) terhadap penilaian kualitas citra subjektif pada pemeriksaan radiografi lumbosacral. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif yang dilalukan dengan pengisian kuisioner serta perhitungan dosis radiation output. Lalu untuk menarik kesimpulan dilakukan uji stastik visual grading analysi…
CT number is one of the indicators in determining the diagnosis of disease, so it is necessary to ensure the level of accuracy. The aim is to determine the parameters of kilovoltage and tube current to the CT value. Descriptive quantitative analytic research method with previously tested linearity and the suitability of the CT number. Furthermore, the variation of kilovoltage: 80 kVp, 100 kV…
Pemanfaatan Computed Radiography (CR) membuat Radiografer menjadi kurang memperhatikan dalam pemilihan faktor eksposi. Sehingga sering terjadi eksposi berlebihan (overexposure) yang membuat pasien menerima dosis radiasi berlebih dan eksposi kurang (underexposure) yang akan menimbulkan noise walaupun sudah dilakukan postprocessing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai faktor eks…
Background: Routine pelvic radiograph examination commonly performed in diagnostic radiology services is a pelvic examination of anteroposterior projection (AP). This results in direct exposure to ionizing radiation to the internal organs in the lower abdomen, especially the reproductive organs. Purpose: Optimizing the dosage of AP projection pelvic radiographs. Method: Research is conduct…
CT number is one of the indicators in determining the diagnosis of disease, so it is necessary to ensure the level of accuracy. The aim is to determine the parameters of kilovoltage and tube current to the CT value. Descriptive quantitative analytic research method with previously tested linearity and the suitability of the CT number. Furthermore, the variation of kilovoltage: 80 kVp, 100 kVp, …
Latar Belakang: Pemeriksaan lumbosacral sering kali menghasilkan kualitas citra yang kurang optimal. histogram equalization merupakan tahapan memanipulasi data citra digital untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra yang dapat diimplementasikan pada citra digital radiografi lumbosacral. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi peningkatan kualitas citra digital radiografi lumbosacral dengan menggunakan histogram equal…
Abstract. This study discusses the effect of variations in exposure index or exposure index (EI) on subjective image quality assessment on lumbosacral radiographic examination. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative which is done by filling out questionnaires and calculating the radiation output dose. Then to draw conclusions, perform a visual grading analysis (VGA) …
ABSTRACT Principally, the measurement of skyshine radiation exposure is important to be conducted if there is public activity in a certain place in which the source of radiation can emit its scattering radiation to all directions including to the rooftop of a Radiotherapy building. the Regulation of the Head of the National Nuclear Power Energy No. 8 Year 2011 Article 32a and No. 4 year…
ABSTRAK VERIFIKASI NILAI DOSIS TERHADAP VARIASI LAPANGAN BLOK ELEKTRON PADA ENERGI 6 MEV DAN 9 MEV PESAWAT LINAC VARIAN (CLINAC IX-SN4740). Perencanaan radiasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam radioterapi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu melakukan verifikasi nilai dosis radiasi hasil perhitungan Treatment Planning System (TPS) dengan dosimeter ionization chamber menggunakan slab phantom p…
ABSTRACK This study aims to analyze the difference in results between TPS 3D-CRT radiotherapy irradiation technique and IMRT radiotherapy irradiation technique in nasopharyngeal cancer cases based on the doses received by the target volume and organs at risk and results of isodosis curve which include the value of the index conformity and homogeneity index value. Type of this research is…
ABSTRACT Radiographers are responsible for administering radiation doses according to the principle of As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), to optimize the use of CT parameters to produce good image quality by minimizing radiation doses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mAs parameters on image quality and radiation dose received by pediatric CT head examination pa…
ABSTRACT Radiographers are responsible for producing good image quality by providing the lowest possible radiation dose, by the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle. One of the ALARA principle methods in a radiographic examination is to implement optimization efforts by knowing the DRL. The research method is a quantitative description using the measurement method radiation output…