In producing a good radiographic image, an optimization method is needed. This study was conducted to seek optimization of the radiographic examination of the manus ossa with objective and subjective image quality analysis. The research method is quantitative experimental, using a variety of exposure factors: 40kV 4 mAs, 40kV 10 mAs, 46 kV 5 mAs, 53 kV 2,5 mAs, 61kV 1,25 mAs. Then an object…
ANALYSIS OF IMAGE QUALITY WITH VARIATION SLICE THICKNESS ON BRAIN CT-SCAN OF EXAMINATION Eka Putra Syarif Hidayat1) , Puji Supriyono1) , Khairil Anwar1) , Nurbaiti1) 1 Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II E-mail: ABSTRACT CT scan of the brain in the radiology department of several hospitals performs a CT scan of t…
ANALYSIS OF IMAGE QUALITY WITH VARIATION SLICE THICKNESS ON BRAIN CT-SCAN OF EXAMINATION Eka Putra Syarif Hidayat1) , Puji Supriyono1) , Khairil Anwar1) , Nurbaiti1)1 Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II E-mail: ABSTRACT CT scan of the brain in the radiology department of several hospitals performs a CT scan of the b…