Abstract X-ray film is something that can not be separated in the world of radiology, in the form of large sheets and can only be seen using a film viewer. Film viewer, as a medium for clearly seeing X-ray films, often provides an excessive illumination dimension to the dimensions of the film you want to see. The purpose of this study is to create a film viewer module that automatically turn…
Imam Setiawan, “Otomatisasi X–Ray Film Viewer Berbasis Arduino Mega ”dibawah bimbingan Bapak Frisa Yugi Hermawan, S.T, M.T 2019, halaman + + lampiran X–Ray Film Viewer, Sebuah mesin yang berfugsi untuk melakukan pembacaan filmhasil radiography dan juga salah satu peralatan penunjang kesehatan yang digunakan pada Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan (FASYANKES). Tentunya denganperkembangan I…