Introduction: Nutritional status according to the height-to-age index was influenced by many factors, such as maternal or child factors. Now, the government’s nutrition program focuses on the problem of malnutrition in toddlers, especially stunting. The study aimed to determine the relationship between a history of early initiation breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feedin…
BACK GROUND : Older toddlers period (children aged6-23 months) is often referred to asthe "golden age"critical period " The World Bank (2006) refersto it as the "window ofpportunity" becauseIt isone of the the periods of dealingwith stunted and severe stunted the mosteffective. The immediate cause of stunting is a lack of food intake and infectious diseases. Therefore, maternal knowledge about …
BACKGROUND: Older toddlers period (children aged 6–23 months) is often referred to as the “golden age,” “critical period.” The World Bank (2006) refers to it as the “window of opportunity” because it is one of the periods of dealing with stunted and severe stunted the most effective. The immediate cause of stunting is a lack of food intake and infectious diseases. Therefore,…