ternal nutrition plays a crucial role in influencing foetal growth and birth outcomes. The government of Indonesia provides centrally distributed food supplements (GFS) for undernourished pregnant mothers. The aim of the study was to test whether low-cost, local food supplements (LFS) for undernourished pregnant mothers can improve maternal and birth outcomes compared with the centrally…
Abstract This research aims to analyze the results of Hadlock and Hadlock 4 formulation measurement on pregnant women in the second and third semester obstetric ultrasound scan for foetal weight and delivery estimation. The design of this research is quantitative analytic. Data analysis was done by T-Test. This research was conducted from October to November 2019. The population of this…
Pada masa pandemik covit-19 seperti ini, banyak informasi mengenai tawaran makanan yang ada di media sosial membuat pelajar terkadang berminat untuk mencoba makanan yang ia lihat. Ada beberapa dari mereka yang meminta ibu atau pembatu rumah tangganya memasak atau membeli makanan tersebut untuk dijadikan makanan keluarganya. Namun, adanya rasa khawatir tertular covid-19 jika pergi ke luar ruma…