ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to formulate a solid waste management strategy for non-medical waste minimization program in the RSCM. The results showed, the generation of solid waste every day an average of 3448.18 kg or 4.76 kg/bed/day, consisting of medical solid waste at 22.47% and non-medical solid waste at 77.53%. Further analysis of the potential obtained by minimization of …
Poor Waste management can be a breeding source of microorganisms cause the disease . Diarrhea is a disease that occurs in toddlers susceptible as a result of exposure to waste. Waste management consists of technical and non-technical aspects that has relationship between waste and the diarrhea. The purpose of this research is to khow the impact of waste management on the diarrhea in toddlers. …
Abtrack Rumah makan merupakan tempat yang sangat potensial sebagai tempat perkembangbiakan lalat. Sehingga rumah makan memerlukan pengawasan terhadap angka kepadatan lalat. Lalat berperan sebagai vektor pembawa penyakit, penyakit yang disebabkan oleh lalat seperti diare, kolera, disentri, dll. Tempat perindukan lalat salah satunya adalah sampah atau sisa makanan dari hasil olahan. Lalat menyu…