Repositori ini berisi bukti korespodensi panitia dengan penulis
Bukti korespodensi ini merupakan bukti notifikasi dari panitia kepada penulis
Menstrual pain is called dysmenorrhea; 15% of women who experience menstrual pain feel uncomfortable. Savitri & Swari (2020) stated that menstrual pain occurs 1-2 days before menstruation appears and continues until the third day of menstruation or the end. Some studies declare that ginger water decoction can reduce menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea. In vitro and in vivo, ginger has been s…
Bukti korespondensi ini berupa email penerimaan manuskrip (ACCEPTED) dari panitia dan syarat-syarat pengiriman full paper
In the community, antibiotic is commonly use as anti-infective drugs. Along with the increase in infectious disease, its use has also increased. Knowledge of its use, benefits and side effects in Indonesia is still low. In line with the results of Riskesdas 2013, 86.1% of households store antibiotics obtained without a prescription. Antibiotics are often used to treat symptoms of minor il…