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A Design of Interactive Augmented Reality Mobile Learning Application for iOS-Based Device: Phytochemical Screening Material
Augmented Reality (AR) in the study of phytochemical screening is a technology that combines observation of experimental results in phytochemical screening as virtual objects with real environments. This study aimed to develop interactive learning media for phytochemical screening materials in the Phytochemistry Practicum at the Pharmaceutical and Food Analysis Department of Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II. This interactive learning media application using AR technology was applied to iOS-based smartphones and designed for phytochemistry learning in the laboratory. The methods used in this study were descriptive exploratory for phytochemistry analysis and Multi-Media Development Life Cycled (MDLC) for AR development. 3D objects were resulting from phytochemical screening of Simplicia powder studied by using blender application, with Unity as a game engine and Vuforia as a library. The development of AR technology resulted in iOS-based mobile application named AR Fitokimia that visualized the phytochemical screening results. The application would help improve students' understanding and participation in distance learning. An interactive AR mobile learning application for iOS-based smartphones was designed for the entire class with an iFamily device in handling distance learning of phytochemical screening in the laboratory.
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