0.05) before and after the air neutralizer was installed. Keywords—prototype air neutralizer, air quality, number of air microorganisms" />
Publikasi Dosen
Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation in Science and Technology (ICIST 2020) : Prototype of Air Neutralizer Equipment Based on Temperature Sensor and Dust Particle in Reducing the Number of Bacteria in Bedrooms of Tb Patients in the Johar Baru Puskesmas Region-Central Jakarta
Abstract—Tuberculosis cases continue to increase, so in eliminating TB cases, the right way must be sought and have high leverage. Stopping airborne transmission is an action that can be done quickly. This research has developed a prototype of a "room neutralizer", which can kill microorganisms in the air. The DS18b20 sensor is used to detect temperature and the GP2Y1010AU sensor detects PM10 dust particulates, the Arduino Uno as the Main Control Unit is displayed with an LCD. The working principle of the tool when detecting temperature and dust particles in the high air will suck in air and pass it through the HEPA filter and closed UV lamp which is then removed again. Trials were carried out in 20 bedrooms of TB patients with an air neutralizer placed for 24 hours, and the number of germs was measured before and after the device was installed. It was found that the tool was able to reduce the number of bacteria up to 76.79% and reduce the number of fungi to 96.97%, but there was no difference in the ability to reduce the number of bacteria and fungi (sig> 0.05) before and after the air neutralizer was installed.
Keywords—prototype air neutralizer, air quality, number of air microorganisms
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