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The Difference Knowledge Of School Lunch Before And After Being Given The Media Poster For Counceling On Class IV Of SDN 01 Pagi Bintaro
Based ON BPOM survey in 2008,covered 4500 primary schools in 18 cities in Indonesia, food snacks consumed by school children contributed for 31.1% and 27.4% energy from protein daily consumption.These snacks more are ineligible healthy, snacks that affect children's health.Preliminary studies conducted on some fourth grade students of SDN 01 Pagi Bintaro showedthat students rarely take lunch to school because lazy to bring from home and prefer to eat snacks and drinks sold in school that are not healthy.
This study aims to determine differences in knowledge about school lunch before and after Counceling with poster on the fourth grade students of SDN 01 Pagi Bintaro.The study design is experimental design with one group pretest-posttest.Total samples are 38 students were taken by purposive. The result of pairedt-test, showed that there are differences in knowledge abot school lunch beefore and after counseling with p=0.000(p
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