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Teachers Knowledge On Balanced Nutrition Before And After A Puzzle-Based Counseling Game At SDN Kalisari 01 And 04 Pagi East Jakarta
The Old motto"4 Sehat,5 Sempurna"("4 Healthy, 5 Perfect") is no longer suitable with the current development in nutrition that recommends the Balanced Nutrition.However, most people, especiality elemntary school teachers, lacks the knowledge on Balanced Nutrition Guide.The purpose of this research is to investigate teh change in teachers' knowledge on Balanced Nutrition before and after a puzzle-based counseling game at SDN Kalisari 01 Pagi and SDN 04 Kalisari Pagi. East jakarta Survey data indicatebefore counseling game. Average score was 63.33 lowest score 35.and highest score 80. After the game83.50 the lowest score 50 and the highest score 95.The result of pairedt -test showed that there are differences in knowledge abot Balanced Nutrition before and after counseling with p=0.000 (p
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