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The Difference Of Knowledge Street Food Before And After Being Given Audio Visual (Video) For Counseling To Fourth Grade Students SDN Cililitan 03 Pagi
Nowadays,school snacks has been being people's attention for they countain harmful chemical.Preliminary survey i SDN Cililitan 03 Pagi showed that school in located directly adjacent to the Ciliwung has been discovered many street food vendors who sell around the school.Therefore, it is necessary to do research about knowledge street food at grade IV students SDN 03 Pagi Cililitan. One way is to do counseling with audio visual(video).This research is aimed to know the differences student's knowledge of street food after and prior given counseling with audio visual (video) to fourth grade student's SDN Cililitan 03 Pagi .Research method was used experimental method with audio study design one group pretest -posttest. Subjets in this research is fourth grade students at SDN 03 Pagi Cililitan. Sampling was don by purposive sampling with the number of muridts as many as 64 people. The statistical tes used pairedt -test.Based on the test result s of pairedt-test showed that there was diferrence of knowledge, which is the vakue of p=0.000 means that there are differences in knowledge after intervention.School should cooperatie with local health officials to conduct health education
Keywords : street food, counseling, audio visual
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