Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Analisis Pengulangan Pemeriksaan Radiografi pada Modalitas Computed Radiografi di Instalasi Radiologi RSUD Dr.H Ishak Umarella Kota Ambon
Analysis of the rejection and repetition of radiographic images in the modality of Computed Radiography in Radiology Installations may be a systematic study in the Radiology Installation section. Due to many rejections and repetitions of radiographic images, the main objective of the radiographic film rejection and repetition analysis program is to take corrective action. In addition, it provides the necessary knowledge to create a system that will provide a detailed analysis of the film's rejection, the reasons for its rejection, and how people would implement it. This program is also used for evaluating the benefits of using the modalities of Digital Radiography and Computer Radiography. The research was conducted at the Radiology Installation of Regional General Dr. H Ishak Umarella Hospital in January-February 2021 using quantitative methods and direct observation. The characteristics of reject values are analyzed based on the type of radiographic examination of categories or factors causing rejection. The reasons for rejections, including the correlation between the rejected value and the radiographer's service period, illustrate the variability according to the specific conditions of the CR system used and reflect the quality performance of digital radiography services.
Keyword(s) : RAP Program, Reject Radiography film
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