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Background: The seafood industry produces over 100 million pounds of seashell waste every year. With landfillspace diminishing quickly, ways to recycle waste materials are becoming more sought. This happened in Cilincing, Indonesia. There were piles of green shell skin up to 2 to 4 meters. Green shell skin waste can be used as material to make paving block. It can be solution to handle green shell skin waste. This study aimed to analyze the contents and waste handling of green shell skin in Cilincing, North Jakarta.
Subjects and Method: This was a descriptive qualitative study conducted at Cilincing, North Jakarta. The study theme was contents and waste handling of green shell skin. The green shell skin waste was processed into paving blocks. The stages of this process included: (1) Green shells skin washed and dried; (2) Grind skin until became sand; (3) Mix 2 kg of green shell sand + ½ kg cement + 5 ml additive foam concrete + ½ litre of water; (4) Put the mixture into a paving block mold size 6 cm x 22 cm; (5) Wait for 12 hours; and (6) Strength test. The strength test was done by dropping both green shell skin and ordinary paving block from 2 to 3 meters height.
Results: Green shell skin contained Calcium (36.7%). Processed green shell skin waste into paving block was an effective way to handling the waste. Both green shell skin and ordinary paving blocks had the same strength.
Conclusion: Green shell skins contain Calcium (36.7%). Processed green shell skin waste into paving block is an effective way to handling the waste. Green shell skin provides the same strength as the ordinary paving blocks.
Keywords: green shell skin, paving block
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