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Analysis Total Germs in Hand with natural Antiseptic
( Leaf extract of red sirih ) and Antiseptic Manufacturing
Betel leaves are useful as an antiseptic lethal bacteria and fungi, resist bleeding, heal wound on the skin, and gastrointestinal disorders. The hand is part of the human body is most often used in every day to do activities so as to facilities contact with microbes. Therefore for hands free of germs is required antiseptic. Generally betel leaf is used as an antiseptic is green betel leaf as it is cheaper than the red betel leaf. But the red betel leaf easily obtained and cultivated, therefore it is necessary to do studies to prove the efficacy of natural ingredients. This study aim to percentage decrease in the number of germs on your hands before and after using the extract of red bettel leaf as a natural antiseptic an antiseptic manufacturer. The study design of experiments ( True Experimental Design ) .The sample students of Environmental Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta II : 24 and hand swab samples : 96 . To calculate the number of germs using method Pour ( Pour plate ) . Results : The concentration of red betel leaf extract 10 % better than T Antiseptic J,D,L nicer than red betel leaf extract of 10%. Among J,D, good L, J concentration of red betel leaf extract 5% better than J,T,L. And D is better than red antiseptic 5%. The concentration of red betel leaf extract 1% better than antiseptic T. Antiseptic J,D, and L nicer than red betel leaf extract 1% concentration. Of the three most excellent antiseptic L .Conclusion antiseptic red betel leaf extract of 10%; 5%, and 1% better than T. Antiseptic D nicer than antiseptic red betel leaf extract concentration of 10 %, 5%, and 1% better than T. Antiseptic T is less good than the J,D, and L.
Keyword : Antiseptic – hand number of colonies of germs
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