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An Overvier Knowledge Level And Use of Herbal Medicines During The Covid -19 Pandermic By Students of Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II
Covid-19 has now become a global health problem. In Indonesia there are 828.026 confirmed cases as of January 10, 2021. Dealing with this current situation, prevention efforts are needed. One of them increases endurances by using herbal remedies. In addition to having been used for generations, several studies 2ve shown that herbal medicines have the potential to increase. This study purpuse is describe the knowledge and use of herbal medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic.The purposive samling method with one hundred respondents were collected based on primary data using a form questionnaire with univariate analysis. On Preliminary results are most of respondents had pretty good knowledge in 48.8%, and jamu on 69 as the herbal medicine of choice , when parmacies to get herbal medicines. Moreover. The implications are the knowledge of using herbal medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic is good and Jamu is the most used herbal medicine based of the types. This research will be contiued with more different sampling methods to better represent the conclusions.
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