Analisis Pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi Superfisial Dengan Klinis Lipoma
V Chapters + 40 Pages + 13 Figures + Attachments
Lipoma is a benign soft tissue tumor composed of adipocytes Lipomas are caused by the expansion of fat cells. The signs and the symptoms of a Lipoma is the presence of a small, soft lump on the body. It appears to be growing in size, with a rubbery, well-defined consistency that can be moved or mobilized. The overlying skin appears normal (similar to the surrounding color). Some are painless unless they are in a densely innervated area, as it pressing on the nerves below. Lipoma is a benign soft tissue tumor with a malignant component.
This research aims to analyze the superficial ultrasonography examination with lipoma clinical. The design of this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The research was conducted in March – December 2021, the population of this research are the patients with clinical lipoma in 2021 with the sample are 5 patient data. The instruments used are observational and interviewing tools, then from the collected data, the results of observations, interviews and documentation are processed and analyzed. The results of the processed data are used as the foundation for the discussion of the problem formulation, which is then presented in descriptive qualitative form so that the conclusions can be drawn.
The research's findings were to determine the examination procedure, examination technique and superficial ultrasonography results with clinical lipoma. Superficial ultrasound examination technique is conducted by focusing the examination on lumps in the patient's body, then transverse sections and if necessary longitudinal sections are taken. The addition of scanning on the patient's side of the body to ensure there is no lump is very important in addition to seeing the presence or absence of abnormalities, which also used as a comparison to strengthen the diagnosis, then analyze the visible image quality to ensure whether it’s a benign lipoma or it leads to malignancy.
The conclusion is that not all patients have lumps of the same size and location; thus, the scanning technique used to take pictures of the lump must be correct and precise in order to obtain a good sonoanatomy and produce an accurate diagnosis.
Keyword(s) : Superficial Ultrasonography, Lipoma
Reference(s) : 24 (2000-2020)
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