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The Availability and Effectiveness of Lactation Rooms Usage in Shopping Centers (Case Study in Metropolitan Jakarta)
Backgrounds: World Health Assembly stated that 41% of infants less than 6 months are exclusively breastfed, whereas the
global rate target is at least 50% by 2025. Indonesia’s rate of exclusive breastfeeding was 68.7% in 2018. Rate of exclusive
breastfeeding can be affected by many factors for instance level of knowledge and socioeconomic status. One of the government’s
attempts to increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding is setting a regulation regarding the provision of lactation room
for instance in Minister of Health Regulations Act 15 of 2013 Regarding Procedures for Provision of Breastfeeding and/or
Pumping Breast’s Milk Facilities .
Objectives: To analyze the usage of lactation room effectiveness in malls as a supporting factors of exclusive breastfeeding.
Methods: An evaluative research in four malls in Central Jakarta with 57 subjects. Data were collected through interview and
observation. Fisher-exact test were used to analyze bivariate analysis.
Results: All shopping centers provide lactation rooms, but only 50% meet the requirements and standards. The number of
visitors to the mall in the past week was 5000 people and only 263 (5.3%) used the lactation room with an average duration
of 20 minutes. Most of the users (78.3%) were babysitters and the rest were mothers with the characteristics are 70.2%
vocational and tertiary education, 75.4 is working, 45.6% middle socioeconomic class. The use of the lactation room is 40%
and bellow and less effective. Almost mothers of babies have a good level of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. There
is a relationship between the level of knowledge with the level of education (p= 0.006), employment status (p= 0.020), and
socioeconomic status (p= 0.040).
Conclusion: Not all shopping centers with lactation rooms meet the standards and use less effectively. Only a small number of
visitors, especially mothers of babies, use it
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