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Effect of Smoke-Free Policies on Public Interest in Cigarettes and E-cigarettes in Indonesia Using Google Trends Analysis
Indonesia has an increased prevalence of smoking. The government continues to reduce the
number of smokers through policies at the central and local levels through implementation Law
number 36 of 2009, the Government Regulation number 109 of 2012 and the Joint Regulation
of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Home Affair number 188 / Menkes / PB / I / 2011
and number 7 of 2011. This study aims to assess the impact of implementation policies on
public interest related to tobacco products in Indonesia using Google Trends.
Analyzing Google Trends data was collecting from 2009 - 2019. Data is in the form of relative
search volume (RSV), ranges from 0 to 100. Data search refers to two key words: cigarette and
e-cigarette. Analysis is divided into two phases, 2009-2011 and 2012-2019. Google Trends
data are analyzed visually and forecasting.
The Public interest related to tobacco product changed in two phases. In the first phase (2009
- 2011) the search trend in cigarettes began to decline, but rose in the second phase (2012 -
2019). The search trends in cigarettes and e-cigarettes between provinces also changed. In the
second phase, search for cigarette is highest in East Java, and search for e-cigarettes is highest
in South Kalimantan i.
There has been the increasing trends in public interest for tobacco products. Implementation of
policies, law enforcement and research needs to be improved to strengthen the policy.
Google Trends, cigarette, e-cigarette, smoke-free policy, Indonesia
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