Hubungan Kecancingan Dan Kadar Hemoglobin Terhadap Stunting Pada Balita Usia 3-5 Tahun Di Indramayu
XII, V CHAPTER, 89 Pages, 15 Tables, 12 Attachments
The incidence of anemia is not only caused by iron deficiency, but also because of infectious diseases such as worms. Worms are attached to the intestinal mucosa that will absorb blood, causing blood deficiency. This study aims to find out the relationship of worm infection and hemoglobin levels to stunting in toddlers aged 3-5 years in Indramayu.
This research is analytical, using cross-sectional research design, the number of subjects in this study amounted to 35 people who are toddlers in the working area of Puskesmas Eretan were selected as samples using purposive sampling technique.
Data collected were worm eggs of toddles feces placed in a stool and examined by means of microscopic test. Furthermore. Hemoglobin levels and stunting of the subjects were consecutively analyzed by using Hb meter and microtoice tools.
The results of this study showed that in all subjects, worm eggs were not found in their feces. The percentage of stunting toddlers having normal level hemoglobin and not suffering from soil transmited helminth were 88,6%. Whereas, stunting
toddlers with Hb ≥ 11 gr/dl were 8,4%.
There was no relationship between helminthiasis and hemoglobin levels because no worms were found in this group. Based on the results of testing using fisher’s exact test, there was no significant relationship between hemoglobin levels and stunting (p=1,24).
Keywords : Helminthiasis, Hb levels and Stunting.
Bibliography : 44 (2010 – 2020)
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