Gaya APA

{et.all}, N., H., A. (2020). Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review Karya Ilmiah - Jurnal Ilmiah : The Measurement Comparison between Hadlock and Hadlock 4 Formulas in the Second and Third Trimesters Obstetric Ultrasound for Foetal Weight and Delivery Estimation (2021). : .

Gaya MLA

{et.all}, Nursama, Heru, Apriantoro. "Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review Karya Ilmiah - Jurnal Ilmiah : The Measurement Comparison between Hadlock and Hadlock 4 Formulas in the Second and Third Trimesters Obstetric Ultrasound for Foetal Weight and Delivery Estimation". 2021 : , 2020. Peer Review.