Publikasi Dosen
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Health Sciences (ICHS 2018) : Forecasting the Risk of X-Ray Radiation Exposure to Radiation Workers in the Radiology Department RSUP X. Jakarta
Radiographers in general have a duty and responsibility to audit includes examining patients for radiodiagnostic including nuclear medicine and ultrasonography (USG), radiation exposure techniques in radiotherapy and perform accuracy and security measures radiation protection in radiology and operating equipment or radiation sources. This study aims to estimate the risk of X-ray radiation exposure to radiographer in the Department of Radiology RSUP X using Environmental Health Risk Analysis (ARKL). In calculating the estimated risk forecasts ARKL, risk of X-ray radiation exposure dose radiographer obtained from measurements of the film badge. Data patterns of activity (duration of work, frequency of exposure and years of work) obtained based on the results of a survey of 35 radiographers in the Department of Radiology RSUP “X” Based on the calculations performed, the average value of Excess Cancer lifetime Risk (ELCR) is 0.005 and the value of Excess Real-time Cancer Risk (ERRC) the average is 0,001. Because theoretically carcinogenicity has non-threshold value, then the forecast is declared unacceptable risk (unacceptable) when ECR ≤ E-3. Range of numbers obtained from the E-3, carcinogenicity default values used by the ICRP (1990). Based on the calculation of the ELCR and ERCR forecasts illustrate the risk of carcinogenic effects that occur in the radiographers in the Department of Radiology RSUP “X”, unacceptable on cancer risk both in the ELCR and ERRC
risk analysis, Excess cancer Risk, radiation, X-rays, radiographer
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