Analisis Hasil Gambaran Sequence Proton Density Pada Potongan Koronal Dan Oblique Technique Terhadap Visualisasi Anterior Cruciate Ligament ( ACL ) Pada Pemeriksaan MRI Knee Di Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan darat Gatot Subroto.
MRI is the most commonly used diagnostic modality with non-invasive methods that are useful for evaluating the anterior ligament injury (ACL). MRI has a high sensitivity and specificity for that injury and can provide valuable information about the location and extent of injury, as well as secondary defect to bone and soft tissue structures.
The routine checks that have been done at the Hospital are not optimal enough in visualizing the ACL image on the coronal projection. Therefore, this study uses alternative techniques with the aim of comparing, analyzing and determining the best examination techniques between the sequence results of coronal proton density and oblique technique in displaying ACL images.
This research was conducted in Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital from April - May 2018. By quantitative analytic method with 10 samples. Data collecting technique was done by doing direct observation to patient and by doing direct experiment in Knee MRI examination to the same patient with two different treatments using two sequences of PD coronal sequence and PD oblique technique.
The result of the research using Paired Sample T Test shows that there is significant difference between ACL image result using PD coronal sequence and PD coronal oblique technique sequence. It is proved by tcount = 9.175> ttable = 2.26 (N = 10, df = 9) and significance value of (Sig.) = 0.00. The result obtained from the assessment of 4 respondents to 10 coronal PD images and 10 images of coronal oblique PD is that the average value for the description of PD coronal sequence of 3.1 can be categorized as a clear result with vivid information of ACL image, the criteria of the image information appears but the image is not incisive. While the average value obtained from the image of PD coronal oblique technique is 3.8, so it can be categorized as a clear one that the image information appears vivid and clearly.
Based on the results of the study conducted about the comparison between using the coronal PD sequence and PD coronal oblique technique towards ACL visualization in Knee MRI examination, it can be concluded that the coronal oblique PD sequence is better at displaying clear image information on ACLs. Meanwhile, the coronal PD sequence is only good at displaying the information of meniscus image.
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